Serve with Us

Serve with Us

We are looking for followers of Jesus who have a personal vision to serve God that matches our organizational vision and mission. We are not a traditional missions agency which seeks to achieve their own strategy. Instead, we seek to live out Jesus’ order: “to make disciples of all nations.”

If you believe God is calling you to serve abroad, have read our Core Beliefs, and would like to discuss how to join us in partnership in the Gospel, contact us at

Not everyone is called to serve abroad, but if you are, many opportunities exist through CEO to extend God’s kingdom.  If you have a vision for ministry, we want to have a conversation with you about how we might help you serve God. CEO does not hire employees, CEO facilitates workers for the Kingdom who have a calling and are looking for an organization which will provide encouragement in both professional development and spiritual direction.

All ministry partnerships with CEO require fund raising. The amount you may need will depend on your location of service and personal needs, an individual ministry budget will be prepared by the partner in collaboration with the organization. Interested parties should be prepared to provide an official transcript which shows undergraduate, graduate, and professional work, as well as your resume (CV). In educator positions, most principals want trained English teachers, an English degree is not always necessary to qualify as a conversation instructor, but completion of a bachelors degree is usually required.

Live the Gospel while you teach & build relationships

10 Facts:

1. We have been facilitating and serving leaders and teachers since 2000.

2. We have established relationships with schools and organizations in several countries in Eastern Europe which may provide options for service in terms of both location, subject, and grade-level.

3. Public schools in Hungary hire college graduates (bachelors degree in education or English required) to teach conversational English. Christian Schools overseas are always in need of teachers.

4. We are serious about mentoring and making disciples of followers of Jesus both as they prepare and go to serve, and while they are serving.

5. CEO is currently partnering with leaders and teachers in 4 countries in Eastern Europe.

6. In particular, some Hungarian schools have been known to provide a small salary (and sometimes housing) so CEO ministry partners need to raise less financial support than many might expect. Fundraising training and mentoring is part of what we provide.

7. We are always ready to speak with followers of Jesus to begin preparation for service on the field by living the Gospel through education and serving people.

8. There are ways other than teaching that CEO can help you serve God in numerous countries.

9. We are particularly interested in people who have a vision from the Lord about serving. It is our honor to help people step out to follow Jesus in their calling.

10. MOST IMPORTANT: We invest deeply and long term in our partners. YOU (not your results) are our number one responsibility and investment as you seek to serve the Lord in His Kingdom abroad.

If you have an interest in any of these educational opportunities, contact Tom Foley at

Let’s begin a conversation about serving abroad!!